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Fixing the Cruise Control

Ever since I begin driving at the age of sixteen, I’ve always enjoyed using the cruise control feature in my vehicles. Regardless of whether I’m driving down a country road or on a major interstate, I utilize my automobile’s cruise control. Unfortunately, this convenient feature suddenly stopped working in my car a few months ago. Because I don’t know anything about vehicles, I didn’t have a clue as to what was wrong with my car. Therefore, I had an expert look at it. This individual determined that I needed to replace a certain type of sensor. After obtaining a new sensor, my cruise control has worked perfectly again. On this blog, you will discover the types of automotive issues that can cause the cruise control in your vehicle to malfunction.


Tips For Using Auto Body Filler

27 January 2016
 Categories: Automotive, Articles

If you are in a fender bender and a part of the body of your vehicle becomes damaged, then you may need to seek out a replacement body piece with the assistance of your local repair shop. However, if you can avoid this, you should. A single door, hood, or bumper can cost thousands of dollars to replace. You can tack on up to $1,000 onto the cost for damage painting. Most body panels cost a small fortune themselves due to the specialized way the steel is formed for every different make and model of car. Read More …