4 Roadside Tire Emergency Tips

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Fixing the Cruise Control

Ever since I begin driving at the age of sixteen, I’ve always enjoyed using the cruise control feature in my vehicles. Regardless of whether I’m driving down a country road or on a major interstate, I utilize my automobile’s cruise control. Unfortunately, this convenient feature suddenly stopped working in my car a few months ago. Because I don’t know anything about vehicles, I didn’t have a clue as to what was wrong with my car. Therefore, I had an expert look at it. This individual determined that I needed to replace a certain type of sensor. After obtaining a new sensor, my cruise control has worked perfectly again. On this blog, you will discover the types of automotive issues that can cause the cruise control in your vehicle to malfunction.


4 Roadside Tire Emergency Tips

7 September 2022
 Categories: Automotive, Blog

A tire emergency is one of the more common reasons for a roadside assistance call. Of course, tires can fail for numerous reasons, and not all tire emergencies are the same. While catastrophic blowouts can be frightening and stressful, flat tires are often less dramatic. Whatever the case, there's no denying that your car isn't going anywhere under its own power with a bad tire.

Like many other roadside emergencies, tire problems require a little care and knowledge. These four tips and facts will help you get through this situation with a minimum of fuss and, hopefully, save you some money along the way.

1. Avoid Driving on Damaged Tires

Pull over immediately if you hear the characteristic "thump, thump" of a damaged tire or your tire-pressure monitoring system (TPMS) light comes on. Your tires are the only thing keeping your car glued to the road, so driving on a damaged one can be incredibly dangerous. You can also damage a flat tire beyond repair just by driving on it for a few extra miles.

Remember that it's always better to stop your car and call for assistance. At worst, you'll save yourself from a potential catastrophic failure. At best, you'll save a lot of money by keeping your tire in a repairable condition.

2. Don't Attempt Roadside Repairs

There are numerous reasons why attempting a roadside tire repair is a bad idea, even if you have a spare tire in your trunk. First and foremost, attempting to jack a car up on the road can be extremely dangerous. Other drivers may not have good visibility, and the emergency jacks provided by most manufacturers are often marginal at best.

Even if you intend to replace the tire yourself, always call for assistance and request a tow to a parking lot or another safe and protected area.

3. Don't Check for Damage

Tires can fail in various ways, including wearing down to the inner steel cords. These metal "belts" can be incredibly sharp and are not always visible when a tire wears unevenly. Feeling around your tire for damage on the side of the road can lead to an unpleasant surprise and even relatively severe injuries. Since there's little you can do to solve the problem on the roadside, it's better to leave your tires alone.

4. Ask for Shop Recommendations

If you're calling for roadside assistance, the dispatcher will usually be able to recommend a nearby tire shop to inspect, repair, or replace your damaged tire. Asking for recommendations can be invaluable when you're in an unfamiliar area. In many cases, this approach will be the quickest way to get your car to a reputable shop so you can safely get back on the road. 

For more information about roadside assistance, contact a local company.